Dermatologist Consultation
Medical Aesthetics
Mesopeel (1 hour 30 mins)
Endermologie LPG (45 mins)
IPL Skin Rejuvenation
Quantum IPL (Full Face)
Quantum IPL (Neck to Chest)
Quantum IPL (Nose Cornerss)
Quantum IPL (Single Spot)
Neck back / front for Men
Laser Wrinkle Reduction
Erbium Laser (Full Face)
Erbium Laser (Neck to chest)
Erbium Laser (Single Spot)
Medical Aesthetics Specialist Consultation
Face (jowls and chin)
Permanent Makeup
Eyeliner top or bottom
Permanent MakeupEyeliner top and bottom
Touch up on someone else's work
Radiofrequency Skin Tightening
Tripolar (face and neck)
Tripolar (inner and outer thighs)
Exercise Therapy Fitness Centre (4 sessions)
*Per Person
Fitness Centre (Buddy Training) (4 sessions)
*Per Person
Massage Therapy
Aromatherapy Massage
Full body (incl scalp) (1 hour 15 mins)
Back, neck and shoulders (30 mins)
Tension headache massage (30 mins)
Swedish Massage
Full body (1 hour)
Back, neck and shoulders (30 mins)
Holistic Health
Beauty Salon Treatments
Body Treatment
Body Treatment
Dermalogica® Skin Care
Dermalogica™ Microzone Treatment (30 mins)
Core Skin Treatment (1 hour)
Advanced Skin Treatment (1 hour 15 mins)
Purifying Back Treatment (45 mins)
Hydradermie Double Ionisation Plus (1 hour 15 mins)
Hydradermie Age Logic (1 hour 30 mins)
Hydradermie Delux (1 hour 30 mins)
Beaute Neuve (1 hour 15 mins)
Intense Age Recovery & Radiance treatment (1 hour 30 mins)
Optimum Hydration Treatment (1 hour 15 mins)
Manicure with Régim A 70% Peel
Pedicure with Régim A Pedi -Peel