See all Dermatology Clinics in Tijuana

Dermatologica Culiacan - Tijuana

Dermatologica Culiacan - Tijuana

Show Phone Number

Ave. Paseo de los Héroes #9211-202, Zona Río, Tijuana, Baja California, 22010Mexico

from 47 users
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Opening hours

Please contact clinic for their opening hours
Enquire for a fast quote ★ Good ServiceScore™ 6.1 from 47 votes ★ Visit our Dermatology Clinic - Ave. Paseo de los Héroes #9211-202, Zona Río, Tijuana, Baja California, 22010, Mexico.

Popular Treatments

Dermatologist Consultation
Acne Scars
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About Dermatologica Culiacan - Tijuana

For more information about Dermatologica Culiacan - Tijuana in Tijuana please contact the clinic.
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Acne Scars


Dermatologist Consultation

Medical Aesthetics


Dermal Fillers

Fractional CO2 Laser Treatment

Co2 fractional laser


Facial rejuvenation (lifting effect)


Fine wrinkles around the eyes and lips


Acne scars






Laser Hair Removal


Tattoo removal and stretch marks


LumiMax - LumiLed

RF Treatment

Fractional radiofrequency


RF or Skin Tightening


Scar Removal


Removing veins


Treatment for Wrinkles

General Practice


Weight Control

Beauty Salon Treatments


Deep Cleansing Facial



Dermatologica Culiacan - Tijuana - Ave. Paseo de los Héroes #9211-202, Zona Río, Tijuana, Baja California, 22010,

Payment information


Private Patients Welcome
Dr Martín Izábal - Doctor at Dermatologica Culiacan - Tijuana

Dr Martín Izábal

Job Title:
Dr Rodrigo Madrigal - Doctor at Dermatologica Culiacan - Tijuana

Dr Rodrigo Madrigal

Job Title:
Ms Neyda Villalobos - Receptionist at Dermatologica Culiacan - Tijuana

Ms Neyda Villalobos

Job Title:
Show Phone Number

Ave. Paseo de los Héroes #9211-202, Zona Río, Tijuana, Baja California, 22010Mexico