About Westlake Plastic Surgery
Dr. Robert Caridi offers top quality, Board Certified plastic surgery in Austin, TX, at his practice, Westlake Plastic Surgery. A member of the American Society of Plastic Surgeons and the American Board of Plastic Surgery, Dr. Caridi leads the field for Austin plastic surgery with 27 years of cosmetic surgery experience. Dr. Caridi has pioneered several leading procedures including Breast Lift With Implants, Breast Augmentation and Reduction and Gynecomastia surgery with Vaser liposuction.
Dr. Robert Caridi, M.D. has established his plastic surgery practice based on strong and current surgical skills, patient rapport, high quality service, and emphasis on professionalism and mutual respect.
Dr. Caridi has a hugely popular social media presence including a trend-setting YouTube channel with over 17 million views as well as Snapchat, Periscope, Instagram and Facebook channels where he regularly broadcasts live plastic surgery procedures, bringing two and a half decades of cosmetic surgery experience directly to the public.
Located in the beautiful Westlake Hills area of Austin, Dr. Caridi and his staff offer patients the privacy, comfort, experience and safety of a fully accredited in-office plastic surgery center and operating facility under the supervision of full-time Board Certified anesthesiologist, Dr. James Wilson.
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