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Athenix Body Sculpting Institute - Portland

Athenix Body Sculpting Institute - Portland

Show Phone Number

17885 NW Evergreen Pkwy, Suite 110, Beaverton, OR, 97006US

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Opening hours

Monday09:00 - 18:00
Tuesday09:00 - 18:00
Wednesday09:00 - 18:00
Thursday09:00 - 18:00
Friday09:00 - 18:00
Saturday10:00 - 15:00
Enquire for a fast quote ★ Good ServiceScore™ 6.6 from 0 votes ★ Visit our Plastic Surgery Clinic - 17885 NW Evergreen Pkwy, Suite 110, Beaverton, OR, 97006, US.

Popular Treatments

Plastic Surgeon Consultation
Breast Augmentation
Micro-Body Contouring
Tummy Tuck
Male Breast Reconstruction
Breast Reduction
Natural Fat Transfer
Breast Lift
Brazilian Butt Lift
See all treatments & prices

About Athenix Body Sculpting Institute - Portland

Expert and experienced plastic surgeons consult at these clinics located at Belleuve in Washington and Fresno, Irvine and Pasadena in California. They have wide experience in improving the appearance of patients and achieving a subtle looking result through high quality procedures. Procedures are performed at accredited surgical facilities for the safety and comfort of patients. Services provided include the surgical reshaping or augmentation of facial features and breasts, male breast reduction surgery, surgical body sculpting procedures including post-pregnancy body sculpting, cellulite reduction procedures and the administration of anti aging facial injectables.

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  • AACS - American Academy of Cosmetic Surgery (US) 

Plastic Surgery


Breast Augmentation

Increasing breast size when women feel that their breasts are too small. Restoring breast fullness and firmness for women after weight loss, pregnancy, or breastfeeding. Creating each breast to be more proportionate in size and contour with the other. Improving breast shape for women that have sagging, drooping or have lost skin elasticity. Rejuvenating breasts by replacing older implants.

Breast Lift


Breast Reduction


Brazilian Butt Lift


Natural Fat Transfer


Male Breast Reconstruction

Male breast reduction, also known as gynecomastia, is the over-developed or enlarged breasts in men. This can easily be resolved through an outpatient surgical procedure, such as Micro-Body Contouring to the chest. During this procedure, Athenix physicians will use the latest, most advanced technologies to safely remove excess tissue with very little downtime. You will be back to regular activities in just a few days and restore your confident masculinity.

Micro-Body Contouring


Neck Liposuction


Mommy Makeover


Plastic Surgeon Consultation


Tummy Tuck

A tummy tuck, or abdominoplasty, removes excess fat and skin. It’s very common to struggle with an abundance of excess skin with increasing age, after pregnancy or after significant weight loss. Even individuals within a normal weight range may develop a loose or protruding abdomen. At Athenix, you have options. As specialists in body contouring, we provide the latest, most advanced techniques available.

Medical Aesthetics


Cellulite Treatment


Medical Aesthetics Specialist Consultation


Treatment for Wrinkles

is an FDA approved prescription medicine that helps rid the appearance of frown lines in-between the brows and wrinkles around the eyes referred to as “crow’s feet”. It is administered by a medical professional and injected into the muscles surrounding your expression lines.


Beauty Salon Treatments


Body Treatment

Athenix Body Sculpting Institute - Portland - 17885 NW Evergreen Pkwy, Suite 110, Beaverton, OR, 97006,

Payment information


Private Patients Welcome

Dr Kevin Ciresi

Dr Kamran Azad

Dr Gavin Dry

Dr David Fellows

Dr Aric Aghayan

Dr Maurice Sherman

Show Phone Number

17885 NW Evergreen Pkwy, Suite 110, Beaverton, OR, 97006US

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  2. US
  3. Oregon
  4. Plastic Surgeons Beaverton