Tumescent liposuction is a liposuction technique which has been specially developed by cosmetic dermatologists. Tumescent liposuction is performed entirely under local anaesthetic and is recognised as the safest form of liposuction. The objective is to improve body contours by removing unwanted fat in a very careful manner. The small cannulas used also give the best results.
What is Tumescent Liposuction?
The word tumescent means swollen and firm. Tumescent liposuction relies on large volumes of saline solution, local anaesthetic, and adrenaline being infiltrated into the fatty areas. These areas then become swollen and firm. This state enables the surgeon to insert a small instrument called a cannula through tiny incisions in order to remove unwanted fatty deposits so as to create an attractive body contour.
What areas can be treated by liposuction?
Lateral thighs (saddle bags) and buttocks
Medial thighs (friction sites) and knees
Upper and lower abdomen (tummy)
Thickened calves and ankles
Male flanks and waist (love handles)
Back and upper back (buffalo hump)
Enlarged male breasts
Female hips and waist
Upper arms
Chin, cheeks and neck
Who is a good candidate for liposuction surgery?
Anybody can have tumescent liposuction but the best candidates are relatively fit individuals who exercise regulary and are of normal body weight or slightly over weight and who have body contours which are out of proportion.
Patients who are significantly overweight can still be good candidates for liposuction to some body areas. It is important to have realistic expectations and positive attitude. Age is not significant factor. Patients should be in good general health, but tumescent liposuction is a very safe technique and can be under taken despite some medical conditions