See all Chiropractic Clinics in Oxford city center

Jericho Chiropractic Clinic

Jericho Chiropractic Clinic

Show Phone Number

16 Plantation Road, Oxford, Jericho, OX2 6JDUK

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Opening hours

Monday08:45 - 19:00
Tuesday08:45 - 19:00
Wednesday08:45 - 19:00
Thursday08:45 - 19:00
Friday08:45 - 19:00
Enquire for a fast quote ★ Visit our Chiropractic Clinic - 16 Plantation Road, Oxford, Jericho, OX2 6JD, UK. Staff: Dr James Kauntze.

Popular Treatments

Chiropractor Consultation

Back Pain Treatment

Pain during Pregnancy
Back Pain

Spinal Manipulation

Muscle Relaxation and or Stimulation
Various Exercises
Ergonomic and Lifestyle Changes
Joint Dysfunction
Sciatica and Leg Pain
See all treatments & prices

About Jericho Chiropractic Clinic

For more information about Jericho Chiropractic Clinic in Oxford city center please contact the clinic.
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  • BCA - British Chiropractic Association (Northern Ireland) 
  • GCC - General Chiropractic Council (Northern Ireland) 


Activator Methods

Migraine Headaches


Neck Pain


Shoulder Pain


Arm Pain


Leg Pain


Arthritic Pain


Gardening or Lower Back Pain

Back Pain Treatment

Pain during Pregnancy


Back Pain


Child Chiropractic Adjustment


Chiropractor Consultation

Spinal Manipulation





Muscle Relaxation and or Stimulation


Various Exercises


Ergonomic and Lifestyle Changes


Joint Dysfunction


Sciatica and Leg Pain


Muscular Tension


Joint Pain


Repetitive Strain Injuries



Sports Chiropractic

Sports Injuries


Sports Chiropractic







Jericho Chiropractic Clinic - 16 Plantation Road,  Oxford, Jericho, OX2 6JD,

Payment information


Private Patients WelcomeAXA PPP HealthcareAXA PPP Healthcare
Dr James Kauntze - Doctor at Jericho Chiropractic Clinic

Dr James Kauntze

Job Title:
He was born in Kent and moved to Oxfordshire with his family in 1988. Following a degree in the Arts, he attended a five year full time degree course at the Welsh Institute of Chiropractic in Glamorgan where he graduated in the first year group to be awarded the Masters level degree (MChiro). After graduation, he practised full-time in a busy clinic in North Devon, gaining extensive experience under the guidance of a Chiropractor with 18 years of experience. He moved back to Oxford in January 2011 to set up the Jericho Chiropractic Clinic on Plantation Road.
Show Phone Number

16 Plantation Road, Oxford, Jericho, OX2 6JDUK

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  5. Chiropractors Oxford city center