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Naas-Swords Chiropractic Clinics - Naas

Naas-Swords Chiropractic Clinics - Naas

Show Phone Number

10 The Sycamores, Sallins rd, Naas, KildareIreland

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Opening hours

Monday14:30 - 18:00
Tuesday08:30 - 11:00
Thursday08:30 - 11:00 | 14:30 - 18:00
Enquire for a fast quote ★ Visit our Chiropractic Clinic - 10 The Sycamores, Sallins rd, Naas, Kildare, Ireland. These Chiropractors have two clinics, one in Swords Co Dubli...

Popular Treatments

Chiropractor Consultation
Back Pain Treatment
Spinal Manipulation
Biomechanical assessment
Sports Chiropractic
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About Naas-Swords Chiropractic Clinics - Naas

These Chiropractors have two clinics, one in Swords Co Dublin and the other in Naas Co Kildare. A range of ailments are treated at the clinic. Chiropractic treatments are performed to treat ADHD, allergies, asthma and chronic respiratory conditions, back pain, incontinence, carpal tunnel syndrome, digestive disorders, headaches, pinched nerves, PMS, slipped discs, pregnancy and sciatica. A detailed diagnosis using X rays is conducted and treatment is performed by adjustments made to subluxations or stress responses in the spine of the patient

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Back Pain Treatment


Chiropractor Consultation


Spinal Manipulation


Sports Chiropractic



Biomechanical assessment

Naas-Swords Chiropractic Clinics - Naas - 10 The Sycamores, Sallins rd, Naas, Kildare,

Payment information


Private Patients Welcome

Clive Dennis

Show Phone Number

10 The Sycamores, Sallins rd, Naas, KildareIreland

  1. Europe
  2. Ireland
  3. Galway County
  4. Chiropractors Moycullen