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Show Phone Number

Henerala Zhmachenka St, 2, Kyiv, Kyiv city, 02000Ukraine

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Opening hours

Monday08:00 - 22:00
Tuesday08:00 - 22:00
Wednesday08:00 - 22:00
Thursday08:00 - 22:00
Friday08:00 - 22:00
Enquire for a fast quote ★ Visit our Beauty Salon - Henerala Zhmachenka St, 2, Kyiv, Kyiv city, 02000, Ukraine.

Popular Treatments


Microdermabrasion facial from 360 ₴
Microdermabrasion neck and neck from 390 ₴
Microdermabrasion back from 550 ₴

Cellulite Treatment

Face from 290 ₴
Neck + neck from 320 ₴
Hands from 260 ₴
Spin from 300 ₴
Neck area from 160 ₴
The lateral surface of the body from 320 ₴
Stomach from 300 ₴
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About Medial

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Beauty Salon Treatments

Body Treatment
from 470 ₴

Mechanical cleaning of the back

from 320 ₴

Mechanical cleaning of the neck

from 240 ₴

Vacuum cleaning person

from 420 ₴

Vacuum cleaning back

from 310 ₴

Vacuum cleaning neckline

from 400 ₴

Ultrasonic cleaning back

from 80 ₴

Paraffin - Hands (30 mins)

from 100 ₴

Paraffin - Legs (20 mins)

Body Wrap
from 420 ₴

Osmopohudenie using bandage "Lotus Flower" (2 hours)

from 420 ₴

Innovative proramma "Intensive slimming" (2 hours)

from 340 ₴

Cold mineral wraps "The Snow Queen" (2 hours)

from 340 ₴

Seaweed body wraps (hot) (1 hour 40 mins)

from 340 ₴

Seaweed body wraps (cold) (1 hour 40 mins)

from 300 ₴

Firming banding procedure (hot) (1 hour 40 mins)

from 300 ₴

Firming banding procedure (cold) (1 hour 40 mins)

from 340 ₴

Breast lifting program "Sugar neckline" (1 hour 10 mins)

from 300 ₴

Toniziruschaya procedure "Coffee with pepper" (2 hours)

from 380 ₴

Antioxidant program "Grapevine" (2 hours)

from 400 ₴

Cellulite "Chocolate Treat" (2 hours)

from 380 ₴

Cellulite "Seaweed updates" (2 hours)

from 380 ₴

Cellulite "Talasso" (1 hour 40 mins)

from 250 ₴

Ultrasonic face cleaning

from 290 ₴

Mechanical cleaning of the face of the 1st category

from 350 ₴

Mechanical cleaning of the face of the 2nd category

from 360 ₴

Microdermabrasion facial

from 390 ₴

Microdermabrasion neck and neck

from 550 ₴

Microdermabrasion back

from 80 ₴

Manicure hygiene (cleaning oil) (45 mins)

from 100 ₴

Manicure hygiene (male) (40 mins)

from 60 ₴

Manicure "European" edging (40 mins)

from 45 ₴

Manicure "FRENCH" (40 mins)

from 50 ₴

Euro manicure (15 mins)

from 120 ₴

Partial pedicure (peeling fingers + cover)  (40 mins)

from 300 ₴

Pedicure complex (male)  (1 hour 10 mins)

from 120 ₴

Pedicure female serrated (edging) (1 hour 30 mins)

from 230 ₴

Pedicure Compounded (1 hour 30 mins)

from 220 ₴

Pedicure cut (scalpel) (2 hours)

from 80 ₴

Axillary region (20 mins)

from 40 ₴

Labrum (10 mins)

from 50 ₴

Cheeks (15 mins)

from 50 ₴

Whiskey (15 mins)

from 120 ₴

Hands thoroughly (30 mins)

from 80 ₴

Hands up to the elbow (20 mins)

from 100 ₴

The Shins  (30 mins)

from 100 ₴

Hips (30 mins)

from 120 ₴

Spin (20 mins)

from 60 ₴

Buttocks  (20 mins)

from 50 ₴

Linea alba (10 mins)

Bikini Wax
from 150 ₴

Bikini is not deep (30 mins)

from 180 ₴

Bikini (full) deep (40 mins)

from 120 ₴

Bikini hygienic (20 mins)

from 180 ₴

Legs fully (50 mins)

Medical Aesthetics

Cellulite Treatment
from 290 ₴

Face (30 mins)

from 320 ₴

Neck + neck (30 mins)

from 260 ₴

Hands (30 mins)

from 300 ₴

Spin (30 mins)

from 160 ₴

Neck area (30 mins)

from 320 ₴

The lateral surface of the body (30 mins)

from 300 ₴

Stomach (20 mins)

from 300 ₴

Buttocks (40 mins)

from 360 ₴

Hips (40 mins)

from 540 ₴

Thigh and buttocks (1 hour)

from 200 ₴

The Shins (25 mins)

from 480 ₴

Legs (1 hour)

from 220 ₴

The front of the thigh (20 mins)

from 160 ₴

The outer surface of the thigh (20 mins)

from 240 ₴

Femur (30 mins)


Chemical Peeling

Laser Hair Removal
from 140 ₴

Labrum (10 mins)

from 160 ₴

Chin (10 mins)

from 560 ₴

All person (20 mins)

from 160 ₴

Line of the forehead (10 mins)

from 160 ₴

Whiskey (10 mins)

from 160 ₴

Ears (10 mins)

from 240 ₴

Neck (front or back surface) (20 mins)

from 320 ₴

Cheeks (including whiskey) (20 mins)

from 200 ₴

Cheeks (15 mins)

from 110 ₴

Nose (10 mins)

from 580 ₴

Shallow bikini (through panties) (20 mins)

from 390 ₴

Bikini extra (labia and mezhyagodichnaya fold) (20 mins)

from 750 ₴

Deep bikini (male) (30 mins)

from 450 ₴

Pubis area for men (20 mins)

from 270 ₴

Pubis area for women (15 mins)

from 240 ₴

Mezhyagodichnaya fold (10 mins)

from 1450 ₴

Feet (female) (1 hour)

from 1650 ₴

Feet (male) (1 hour)

from 750 ₴

Tibia (including knees) (30 mins)

from 120 ₴

Knees (10 mins)

from 450 ₴

The inside of the thighs (outer, rear, front)  (20 mins)

from 880 ₴

Hips (30 mins)

from 170 ₴

Toes (10 mins)

from 170 ₴

The back side of the foot (10 mins)

from 590 ₴

Buttocks (female) (20 mins)

from 540 ₴

Buttocks (men) (30 mins)

from 270 ₴

Axillary region (women) (15 mins)

from 290 ₴

Axillary region (men) (15 mins)

from 540 ₴

Hands up to the elbow (women) (20 mins)

from 690 ₴

Hands up to the elbow (men) (25 mins)

from 650 ₴

Hands, the entire length (women) (30 mins)

from 790 ₴

Hands, the entire length (men) (30 mins)

from 120 ₴

Hands (Women) (10 mins)

from 280 ₴

Hands (men) (15 mins)

from 400 ₴

Shoulders (women) (20 mins)

from 500 ₴

Shoulders (Men) (20 mins)

from 200 ₴

Linea alba (10 mins)

from 550 ₴

Chest (men) (40 mins)

from 490 ₴

Belly (women) (20 mins)

from 650 ₴

Stomach (men) (30 mins)

from 890 ₴

Back (women) (1 hour 20 mins)

from 1250 ₴

Back (men) (2 hours)

from 170 ₴

Decollete (20 mins)

from 280 ₴

Sacral region (15 mins)

from 140 ₴

Halo breast (15 mins)

from 150 ₴

Upper lip (10 mins)

from 560 ₴

All face (20 mins)

from 160 ₴

The line of the forehead (10 mins)

from 100 ₴

Eyebrows  (10 mins)

from 240 ₴

Neck (front or rear) (10 mins)

from 5 ₴

Poimpulsno per pulse

Non-Surgical Facelift
from 355 ₴

Neck Lift + Neckline (30 mins)

from 160 ₴

Neck area (30 mins)

from 290 ₴

Correction of facial contours (30 mins)

Permanent Makeup
from 650 ₴

Permanent makeup eyebrows (the effect of a pencil) (1 hour)

from 800 ₴

Permanent makeup eyebrows 3D (1 hour)

from 500 ₴

Tattoo of the upper eyelid (thin arrow) (1 hour)

from 700 ₴

Tattoo of the upper eyelid (thick arrow) (1 hour)

from 800 ₴

Tattoo Eye 3D (1 hour)

from 750 ₴

Tattoo upper and lower eyelid (1 hour)

from 500 ₴

Tattoo of the lower eyelid (1 hour)

from 600 ₴

Tattoo lip contour (1 hour 30 mins)

from 700 ₴

Lip Tattoo rastushovkoy (1 hour 30 mins)

from 800 ₴

Lip Tattoo 3D (1 hour 30 mins)

Massage Therapy

Foot Massage
from 50 ₴

Foot massage (15 mins)

from 70 ₴

Foot massage (20 mins)

from 140 ₴

Classic massage (40 mins)

from 120 ₴

Plastic massage (30 mins)

from 110 ₴

Jacquet massage (20 mins)

from 120 ₴

Vacuum massage (30 mins)

from 160 ₴

Spanish massage (40 mins)

from 90 ₴

Head massage (20 mins)

from 60 ₴

Darsonval (20 mins)

from 160 ₴

Myostimulating lifting massage (Italian technology)  (40 mins)

Medial - Henerala Zhmachenka St, 2, Kyiv, Kyiv city, 02000,

Payment information


Private Patients Welcome
Show Phone Number

Henerala Zhmachenka St, 2, Kyiv, Kyiv city, 02000Ukraine