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Totsuka Skin Clinnic

Totsuka Skin Clinnic

Show Phone Number

944-5 KAWARA2F, Kanagawa Prefecture, Totsuka-ku, Yokohama, 2440817Japan

from 3 users
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Opening hours

Monday10:00 - 18:30
Tuesday10:00 - 18:30
Wednesday10:00 - 18:30
Friday10:00 - 18:30
Saturday10:00 - 18:30
Prices from ¥2979 - Enquire for a fast quote ★ Visit our Medical Aesthetics Clinic - 944-5 KAWARA2F, Kanagawa Prefecture, Totsuka-ku, Yokohama, 2440817, Japan. Staff: Mr Kazuko Naito.

Popular Treatments

Medical Aesthetics Specialist Consultation

Treatment for Wrinkles

Treatment for Wrinkles - Between the eyes from ¥50000
Treatment for Wrinkles - Corner of the eye from ¥30000

Chemical Peel

Chemical Peel - Salicylic Acid Macrogol from ¥10000
Chemical Peel - Glycolic acid from ¥5000

Laser Hair Removal

Laser Hair Removal - V line from ¥3000
Laser Hair Removal - Knee from ¥12000
Laser Hair Removal -Thigh from ¥17000
Laser Hair Removal - Lower arm from ¥12000
Laser Hair Removal - Beard from ¥6000
See all treatments & prices

About Totsuka Skin Clinnic

For more information about Totsuka Skin Clinnic in Yokohama please contact the clinic.
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Medical Aesthetics

Chemical Peel
from ¥10000

Chemical Peel - Salicylic Acid Macrogol

from ¥5000

Chemical Peel - Glycolic acid

Laser Hair Removal
from ¥3000

Laser Hair Removal - V line

from ¥12000

Laser Hair Removal - Knee

from ¥17000

Laser Hair Removal -Thigh

from ¥12000

Laser Hair Removal - Lower arm

from ¥6000

Laser Hair Removal - Beard


Medical Aesthetics Specialist Consultation

Treatment for Wrinkles
from ¥50000

Treatment for Wrinkles - Between the eyes

from ¥30000

Treatment for Wrinkles - Corner of the eye

from ¥10000

Ultrasonic Cavitation- High Concentration Vitamin Treatment

Beauty Salon Treatments


Beauty Salon Enquiry



Totsuka Skin Clinnic - 944-5 KAWARA2F, Kanagawa Prefecture, Totsuka-ku, Yokohama, 2440817,

Payment information


Private Patients Welcome
Mr Kazuko Naito - Doctor at Totsuka Skin Clinnic

Mr Kazuko Naito

Job Title:
Career in 1990, Showa University School of Medicine, graduating in 1990, Showa University Fujigaoka hospital orthopedics classroom He joined 1990 Showa University Fujigaoka hospital orthopedic 1992 Yokohama Asahi Central Hospital orthopedic medical staff 1993 Ota Fukushima General Hospital orthopedic medical staff all adult hospital shaping 1993 Surgery medical staff in 1994, Showa University Fujigaoka Rehabilitation hospital orthopedic medical staff 1995 Felix Platterspital, Orthopaedische Abteilung, Universitaetsklinik Basel , Switzerland medical staff 1995 ORLAU, The Robert Jones & Agnes Hunt Orthopaedic hospital NHS Trust, Oswestry, United Kingdom (UK) researcher 1996 Chuorinkan hospital orthopedic Director 2001 Ebina General hospital University hospital East artificial rheumatoid arthritis Center orthopedic Dean 2002 Aso hospital orthopedic medical staff 2005 Yokohama new neurosurgical hospital orthopedic medical staff 2006 Showa University Fujigaoka hospital orthopedic classroom retreat station 2008 Totsuka orthopedic skin off Department director 's license and qualifications 2005 Doctor of medicine 1998 Nihonseikeigekagakkai certified orthopedic specialist 2011 Japanese Society of anti-aging medicine certified specialist 2000 Nippon arthritis Foundation certified registered physicians 2007 Japan-shaping surgical Society of certified musculoskeletal Rehabilitation Medicine years Nihonseikeigekagakkai certified sports medicine 2008 2009 years the American heart Association BLS provider 2011 supplements advisor affiliation Society, Federation of Nihonseikeigekagakkai Japan dermatological Association Japan Beauty dermatological Association Japan Society of Aesthetic Plastic Surgery Japan formed surgical Society Japanese Society of anti-aging medicine Japan College of Rheumatology JMA Joggers Federation of Japan musculoskeletal Rehabilitation Society , Saitama Prefecture Athletics Association
Show Phone Number

944-5 KAWARA2F, Kanagawa Prefecture, Totsuka-ku, Yokohama, 2440817Japan

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  3. Medical Aesthetics Specialists Yokohama