Dr Beatrice Giorgini
Job Title:
Doctor Biography:
She was born in Cesena on October 25, 1980. As a child I was very intrigued and fascinated by medicine and the care of people. My parents had one of the first health food stores in those days, in Cervia, in the province of Ravenna. My father, Dr. Martin Giorgini, since 1978 has carried out his research in the field of Natural Medicine, Alchemy and Phytotherapy, sending me from an early age, love and interest in these Sciences. Being raised in a family in which the attention to health, nature, nutrition, but also the energy, life and spirituality, has been a constant over the years has greatly influenced me. It has always been alive in me a fascination with the mystery of man and of the human body, and the energy of the vital spirit that animates us.