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Lestetika Lisko

Lestetika Lisko

Show Phone Number

Ul. Maršala Tita 65, Opatija, 51410Croatia

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Opening hours

Please contact clinic for their opening hours
Prices from 121 € - Enquire for a fast quote ★ Visit our Medical Aesthetics Clinic - Ul. Maršala Tita 65, Opatija, 51410, Croatia. Staff: Dr Dalibor Lisko.

Popular Treatments

Medical Aesthetics Specialist Consultation

Treatment for Wrinkles

Treatment for Wrinkles M from 151 €
Treatment for Wrinkles L from 202 €
Dermal Fillers


Aqualyx S from 121 €
Aqualyx M from 171 €
Aqualyx L from 222 €
Dermapen™ from 202 €
See all treatments & prices

About Lestetika Lisko

For more information about Lestetika Lisko in Opatija please contact the clinic.
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Medical Aesthetics


Dermal Fillers


Medical Aesthetics Specialist Consultation

from 121 €

Aqualyx S

from 171 €

Aqualyx M

from 222 €

Aqualyx L

from 202 €


Treatment for Wrinkles
from 151 €

Treatment for Wrinkles M

from 202 €

Treatment for Wrinkles L

Lestetika Lisko - Ul. Maršala Tita 65, Opatija, 51410,

Payment information


Private Patients Welcome
Dr Dalibor Lisko -  at Lestetika Lisko

Dr Dalibor Lisko

Born in Osijek on the 9th October 1981 Upon completion of secondary education for dental technicians entered Faculty of Law School of Dental Medicine. During the study four times awarded the Dean's Award, and later Rector's award for the best student of the Faculty of Medicine, University of Rijeka, where he graduated with honors in 2005. During the study intensively engaged in scientific work in the field of biomedicine, where he published a number of papers to the conferences and in professional journals. After graduation, professional training acquired in the field of periodontology and implantology primarily in Italy and Germany, and at various conferences in the country and abroad. The subject of his interest extends to the field of cosmetic dentistry and facial aesthetics, perfecting their knowledge in the field of application of treatment for Wrinkles and hyaluronic acid as well as the latest achievements in the field of non-surgical techniques skin tightening face, neck and body mezonitskom therapy and non-surgical techniques localized therapy removal of fat tissue by applying preparation Aqualyx.
Show Phone Number

Ul. Maršala Tita 65, Opatija, 51410Croatia

  1. Europe
  2. Croatia
  3. Medical Aesthetics Specialists Opatija