See all Bariatric Surgery Clinics in Puerto Vallarta

Healthcare Resources Puerto Vallarta

Healthcare Resources Puerto Vallarta

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Puerto Vallarta, Puerto VallartaMexico

Very Good
from 44 users
Filters cached at 2025/01/03 22:22:34

Opening hours

Monday09:00 - 18:00
Tuesday09:00 - 18:00
Wednesday09:00 - 18:00
Thursday09:00 - 18:00
Friday09:00 - 18:00
Enquire for a fast quote ★ Very Good ServiceScore™ 7.5 from 44 votes ★ 1 verified patient review. Visit our Bariatric Surgery Clinic - Puerto Vallarta, Puerto Vallarta, Mexico.

Popular Treatments

Laparoscopic Surgery
Gastric Sleeve
Gastric Bypass
Lap Band
Metabolic Surgery
See all treatments & prices

About Healthcare Resources Puerto Vallarta

HealthCare Resources Puerto Vallarta is a medical tourism haven in Mexico that offers A list accommodations and follow up care for patients who underwent medical surgeries like the Hip replacement, plastic surgery, bariatric surgery, eye surgery are only a few of the packages that are offered. They have provide English speaking assistance to help get a physician, concierge services or in emergency needs.
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Patient reviews

4.8 from 1 verified review
Malcolm, Canada
( Verified user. Review confirmed by email)

Price was as quoted.

4.8 50 Bariatric Surgery Consultation
Were you pleased with the treatment?

Yes treatment went well and price was as quoted.

Would you recommend the clinic?

Staff was very friendly and helpful. It will be tough to go back to see (some) Canadian doctors.

Would you return for further treatment?

yes actually about to see about a problem with my knee

See what others think about the clinic's customer service:

gregtaylor, Mexico12.03.2012
Carolyn, Mexico11.02.2012
Very efficient and quick.
claire, US05.11.2011
Very helpful.
Stephanie, US17.07.2010
They responded quickly, but not able to get what I needed for the day that I will be there.
Tom, Mexico11.06.2010
Very responsive so far -- have appointment tonight.

Clinic services

Home visits

Travel services

International travelLocal travelLocal accommodationTranslation servicesLocal guideTours and vacation servicesPick up service from hotelPick up service from airport

Bariatric Surgery


Laparoscopic Surgery


Metabolic Surgery


Lap Band


Gastric Bypass


Gastric Sleeve






Healthcare Resources Puerto Vallarta - Dr. Alberto Marron - Orthopedic

Payment information


Private Patients Welcome
Dr Armando Joya - Surgeon at Healthcare Resources Puerto Vallarta

Dr Armando Joya

Job Title:
Gastroenterologist, Gastric Surgeon and Bariatric Surgeon.
Show Phone Number

Puerto Vallarta, Puerto VallartaMexico