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Leyburn Medical Practice

Leyburn Medical Practice

Show Phone Number

Brentwood, Leyburn, DL85EPUK

Very Good
from 3 users
Filters cached at 2025/01/12 05:51:59

Opening hours

Monday08:30 - 18:30
Tuesday08:30 - 18:30
Wednesday08:30 - 18:30
Thursday08:30 - 18:30
Friday08:30 - 18:30
Saturday08:00 - 11:00
Enquire for a fast quote ★ Very Good ServiceScore™ 7.0 from 3 votes ★ Visit our Acupuncture Clinic - Brentwood, Leyburn, DL85EP, UK.

Popular Treatments

Acupuncturist Consultation
Heart Disease Treatment
Blood Test
Cancer Screening
Diabetes Treatment
Cervical Check
Type I Diabetes
Type II Diabetes
Antenatal Treatment
See all treatments & prices

About Leyburn Medical Practice

Providing excellence in healthcare is the aim of the team at this general medical and primary healthcare clinic located at Brentwood, Leyburn in North Yorkshire. Telephone requests for repeat prescriptions are accepted. A free medication home delivery service is offered for registered patients. Services provided include free NHS general health examinations for individuals and families, childhood and adult immunizations and travel vaccinations, maternity services including the services of a midwife, family planning assistance, acupuncture, minor surgical procedures, the management of patients with chronic health conditions, community ultrasound services, smoking cessation assistance, weight management assistance and cervical smears.

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Patient reviews

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Sigita, Belgium21.12.2010
But they were totally unwilling to help.



Acupuncturist Consultation

General Practice


Asthma Specialist Consultation


Blood Pressure Monitoring


Blood Test


Cancer Screening


Cervical Check


COPD - Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease Treatment


Diabetes Treatment


Type I Diabetes


Type II Diabetes


Geriatrician Consultation


GP Consultation


Maternity Consultation


Men's Health Consultation


Minor Surgery Consultation


Smoking Cessation Consultation


Travel Health Consultation




Vaccination Consultation


Weight Loss Consultation


Women's Health Consultation

Obstetrics / Gynaecology


Antenatal Treatment



Heart Disease Treatment

Leyburn Medical Practice - Brentwood, Leyburn, DL85EP,

Payment information


Private Patients WelcomeEuropean Health Insurance CardNHSEmergency NHSCIGNA HealthcareCIGNA Healthcare

Dr Adrian Dawson

Registration Number:
Job Title:
  General Practitioner
GMC No 3334306 MBChB, MRCGP, DA, DRCOG 1990 Liverpool

Dr Bridget Laybourne MBChB 1996 Johannesburg

Registration Number:
Job Title:
  General Practitioner

Dr Debbie Ashcroft MBChB, DRCOG, MRCGP

Registration Number:
Job Title:
  General Practitioner

Dr Julia Brown MBBS, DCh, DRCOG, MRCGP

Registration Number:
Job Title:
  General Practitioner

Dr Stephen Wild MBChB, FRACGP (Aus), MRCGP

Registration Number:
Job Title:
  General Practitioner

Miss Harriet Manning

Job Title:

Miss Liv Amsden

Miss Rachael Wheatley

Mr Stephen Brown

Job Title:
  Managing Partner

Mrs Dawn Flynn

Job Title:

Mrs Elaine Rose

Job Title:

Mrs Janet Coates

Job Title:
  Practice Nurse

Mrs Karen Mabbott

Job Title:

Mrs Kathryn Hill

Job Title:

Mrs Maggie Fisher

Job Title:

Mrs Moira Edington

Job Title:

Mrs Rachel Flintoft

Job Title:

Mrs Sandra Chapman

Job Title:
  Practice Nurse

Ms Caroline Metcalfe

Job Title:
  Practice Nurse

Ms Fluff Robinson

Job Title:

Ms Mandy Dargue

Job Title:
  Assistant Practice Manager

Lisa Kitson

Job Title:
Lisa has been nursing for 14 years. She qualified as a registered nurse in 1994 at St James Hospital in Leeds. Since this time she has worked in and around the West Yorkshire area. She has spent the majority of her career working in primary care, initially as a Community Nurse before spending a number of years in Practice Nursing. She is an experienced nurse and has worked as a Nurse Practitioner for 6 years. Lisa holds a first degree in Community Health Care Nursing and a Masters Degree in Advanced Practice. She has also been a Nurse Prescriber since 2003. Her clinical interests include Respiratory Disease, Dermatology and Sexual health. Lisa has a keen interest in teaching and has done a lot of work over the past year improving services for patients with respiratory disease.
Show Phone Number

Brentwood, Leyburn, DL85EPUK

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