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Metrocentre - Melbourne

Metrocentre - Melbourne

Show Phone Number

118 Wellington Parade, East Melbourne, VIC, 3002Australia

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Opening hours

Please contact clinic for their opening hours
Enquire for a fast quote ★ Visit our Urology Clinic - 118 Wellington Parade, East Melbourne, VIC, 3002, Australia. Staff: Dr Christopher Lekich, Prof Owen.

Popular Treatments

Pre-procedure consultation
3 Layer Micro-Surgical Vasectomy Reversal


Open-ended vasectomy
Post Vasectomy Pain Syndrome
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About Metrocentre - Melbourne

For more information about Metrocentre - Melbourne in Richmond please contact the clinic.
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  • MBBS - Bachelor of Medicine, Bachelor of Surgery (Australia) 
  • AMA - Australian Medical Association (Australia) 
  • FRACS - Fellowship of the Royal Australasian College of Surgeons (Australia) 



Pre-procedure consultation


Open-ended vasectomy


Post Vasectomy Pain Syndrome


3 Layer Micro-Surgical Vasectomy Reversal

General Practice


Highly powerful ultrasound imaging

Metrocentre - Melbourne - 118 Wellington Parade, East Melbourne, VIC, 3002,

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Private Patients Welcome
Dr Christopher Lekich - Doctor at Metrocentre - Melbourne

Dr Christopher Lekich

Job Title:
He is the medical director of Metrocentre. He is a Queensland medical graduate with a 15-year microsurgical background working in the field of ophthalmology and retinal microsurgery, hence his love of microscopes. He changed his pursuits for eye surgery to the treatment of varicose veins using endovenous laser and ultrasound guided sclerotherapy (hence his love of ultrasound) training and becoming a fellow of the Australasian College of Phlebology. This came about due to the serious blood clot his wife developed in varicose veins during pregnancy. It was his wife’s necessity to get off the oral contraceptive pill due to her venous disorder that led him to a decision for a vasectomy and after much personal research to Professor Owen’s team to perform this as an Open Ended Vasectomy. His professional affiliations are: Member of the Medical Law Society of Queensland, Member of the AMA, Fellow of the Australasian College of Phlebology, Member of the Australian New Zealand Society of Phlebology and Assistant Professor of the Bond University Law School.
Prof Owen - General Practitioner at Metrocentre - Melbourne

Prof Owen

Job Title:
  General Practitioner
He is a medical consultant for Metrocentre and Dr Lekich’s assistant. He is a World President of the International College of Surgeons (I.C.S.) 1996-1998. This ex-concert pianist graduated from The University of Sydney and studied Paediatric Surgery at London’s Great Ormond Street Hospital, researching Microsurgery for premature infants as its Senior Registrar in the 1960s. He co-developed the Zeiss Double motorised Microscope, new micro instruments and techniques introducing small vessel and nerve anastomoses for infants as well as successfully performing some of the earliest successful amputated finger and limb replantations. His professional affiliations are: A.O., Lg d’Hon, D.Sc., MB.,BS.(Syd) M.D.,M.S., FRACS., FRCS., FICS., FRCSE., FACBS.
Show Phone Number

118 Wellington Parade, East Melbourne, VIC, 3002Australia

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