Orthotics Cairo, Egypt

All 3 Orthotics Clinics in Cairo, Egypt

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We have all the information you need about public and private physiotherapy clinics that provide orthotics in Cairo, Egypt. Compare all the physiotherapists and contact the orthotics clinic in Cairo, Egypt that's right for you.

Orthotics prices from 151 ج.م.‏ - Enquire for a fast quote ★ Choose from 3 Orthotics Clinics in Cairo, Egypt

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Royal Physiocare clinic - General Practice in Egypt

Royal Physiocare clinic

107 El Hegaz st Heliopolis, Cairo
مركز للعلاج الطبيعى وتنسيق القوام باخدث اجهزه اذابه الدهون ونحت القوام.اخدث احهزه الكرايو والكافيتيشن لنخت القوام والراديوفركونسى لشد الترهلات.يتوافر لدينا اخدث اجهزه الشوكويف بامكانياته الحديثه فى علاج الشوكه    العظميه ونحت القوام وضعف الانتصاب
Orthotics 150 ج.م.‏ - 200 ج.م.‏
Physiotherapist Consultation 150 ج.م.‏ - 200 ج.م.‏
Dry Needling 140 ج.م.‏ - 200 ج.م.‏
29 more treatments
Very Good
from 7 users
Dr. Shereen Fawaz Neuro Rehabilitation Clinic - Physiotherapy Clinic in Egypt

Dr. Shereen Fawaz Neuro Rehabilitation Clinic

6 Koleyet El Banat Project.. Behind the Air Defense House, the Nasr city, Cairo, Cairo, 11757
Dr Shereen Fawaz Neuro Rehabilitation Clinic offers a wide range of services for patients with neurological and balance disorders, including stroke, spinal cord injury, Parkinsonism, multiple sclerosis, and cerebellar disorders. The clinic provides various treatment options, such as spasticity injection techniques, transcranial magnetic stimulation, functional electric stimulation, and pain management protocols. Dr Shereen Fawaz is a consultant of Physical Medicine, Rheumatology, and Rehabilitation with extensive training and experience in the field. She is also a licensed acupuncturist and a member of several international societies related to neurorehabilitation.
Physiotherapist Consultation  
Stroke Rehabilitation  
14 more treatments
from 3 users
El nada center - Physiotherapy Clinic in Egypt

El nada center

4 El mokhtar street El rawda, Cairo
For more information about El nada center in Cairo please contact the clinic.
Physiotherapist Consultation  
Dry Needling  
33 more treatments
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