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A and O - Center for Holistic Therapies

A and O - Center for Holistic Therapies

Show Phone Number

Bergstrasse. 30, Waldbronn, 76337Germany

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Opening hours

Monday08:00 - 20:00
Tuesday08:00 - 20:00
Wednesday08:00 - 20:00
Thursday08:00 - 20:00
Friday08:00 - 20:00
Saturday08:00 - 12:00
Prices from 19 € - Enquire for a fast quote ★ Visit our Massage Therapist - Bergstrasse. 30, Waldbronn, 76337, Germany. Staff: Majed Sansour, Dr Regina Mahl, Dr Gottfried Merl.

Popular Treatments


Peeling back rub salt oil whey from 38 €
Shiroabhyanga - head - neck massage from 48 €
Prishtabhyanga - Back Marma Point Massage from 58 €
Deep Tissue Massage
Padabhyanga - Reflexology with ghee from 58 €

Full Body Massage

Body Massage from 114 €
Abhyanga - synchronous (2 therapists) from 146 €
Abhyanga - Solo (1 Therapist)
Mukabhyanga - relaxing facial massage from 38 €
See all treatments & prices

About A and O - Center for Holistic Therapies

For more information about A and O - Center for Holistic Therapies in Waldbronn please contact the clinic.
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Massage Therapy

Ayurvedic Massage
from 181 €

Ayurvedic Massage (2 hours 30 mins)

from 128 €

Erstbesuch with Partial Application (1 hour 30 mins)

from 76 €

Advice without Application (1 hour)

from 19 €

Advice without Application (15 mins)

from 98 €

Only for personal indication and detailed  (45 mins)

from 98 €

Examination and treatment  (45 mins)

from 56 €

Shirodhara - Stirnölguß (45 mins)

from 67 €

Shirovasti - head enema (45 mins)

from 65 €

Nasya -Nasenschleimhautreinigung  (45 mins)

from 78 €

Basti - oil enema with abdominal massage and heat (45 mins)

from 78 €

Khadivasti - joint treatment pain-zreduzierend  (45 mins)


Padanghata - pressure massage with the feet

from 198 €

Swedana -Heat and sweat


Deep Tissue Massage

from 38 €

Mukabhyanga - relaxing facial massage  (45 mins)

Full Body Massage
from 114 €

Body Massage


Abhyanga - Solo (1 Therapist)  (1 hour 30 mins)

from 146 €

Abhyanga - synchronous (2 therapists) (1 hour)

from 58 €

Prishtabhyanga - Back Marma Point Massage (45 mins)

from 38 €

Peeling back rub salt oil whey



from 48 €

Shiroabhyanga - head - neck massage  (45 mins)

Medical Aesthetics

from 78 €

Jambia Pinda Sweda-cellulite reducing


from 78 €

Joint Pain Treatment Reducing  (1 hour 30 mins)

Holistic Health

from 68 €

Ayurveda - Beauty and makeup


Holistic Health Consultation

from 58 €

Padabhyanga - Reflexology with ghee (45 mins)

Beauty Salon Treatments

Body Treatment
from 114 €

Body Treatment (1 hour 30 mins)

from 146 €

Abhyanga - Solo (1 therapist)  (1 hour)

A and O - Center for Holistic Therapies - Bergstrasse. 30, Waldbronn, 76337,

Payment information


Private Patients Welcome
Majed Sansour - Practice Therapist at A and O - Center for Holistic Therapies

Majed Sansour

Job Title:
  Practice Therapist
Osteopath, DO, manual mode, and sports physiotherapist. He was born in Jerusalem. Study for physical education teacher in Stuttgart - Department of preventive gymnastics. Training to state-recognized Physiotherapist -. Four Home. later specialization in manual therapy - Munich. Specializing in chiropractic care (manipulation techniques to the spine) in Karlsruhe. 1996 5-year course of study for osteopaths / Hermes Private School Bernd Hoerrner DO, chiropractor for Osteopathy in Karlsruhe. 2,001 Private practice for Physio -. And manual therapy and osteopathy and medical sports therapy in Waldbronn Reichenbach training in nutrition counseling, dietary supplements, detoxification on homeopathic basic 2002 ayurveda massage therapy in Karlsruhe and India since 1996. I give my knowledge in lectures in the region (including Rheumaliga) Waldbronn and abroad (Spain, India) on. 2009 Expansion of the A & O Therapy Center 2011 contact with clinics in the Arab Gulf countries UAE 2012 Speaker: AYU-World Congress in Pune (India). 2013 contact with the Chiropractic Health Center in Anaheim (CA) Dr. MD tin, DC. 2014 Foundation of the Arab Academy for Holistic Therapy & German and Medicine Start: 2014.
Dr Regina Mahl - Practice Therapist at A and O - Center for Holistic Therapies

Dr Regina Mahl

Job Title:
  Practice Therapist
Ayurveda Specialist CAS (ICAAMS). She racticed for 15 years authentic ayurveda in Europe. At Karlsruhe she founded in 2000 the Ayata-AYURVEDA Trade Institute, which she ran with a lot of dedication and heart energy. Annual Panca -Karma conditioners and training seminars with renowned Indian doctors of the International Academy of Ayurveda Pune (India), which it is a member, were among the special highlights. Through several visits to India, she deepened her knowledge of this ancient health and healing of world. In numerous lectures, seminars and articles, she gives her extensive knowledge on Ayurvedic Topics at home and abroad. In Gran Canaria (Spain) led them in Ayurveda Hotel "spa" and practiced there over 6 years. In addition, she completed a medical practitioner studies. In 2009 she moved your activity to Waldbronn in the Albtherme and forwards with her ??partner and osteopaths Majed Sansour the "A & O center for holistic therapies". She trained at the SEVA Academy in Munich as a student Dr. Hans H. Rhyner (Ayurveda expert u. naturopath), Prof. Dr. Ray (Switzerland), Prof. Dr. Ranade (India) to Clinischen Ayurveda Specialist (ICAAMS). With Prof.Dr. Avinash Lele, Dr. Bharati Lele practice of Pancha Karma in Karlsruhe and India.
Dr Gottfried Merl - Physiotherapist at A and O - Center for Holistic Therapies

Dr Gottfried Merl

Job Title:
His medical practitioner in the field of psychotherapy. Deals in: behavior therapy Talk therapy Synergetics - Profiling - Psychotherapy Individual - Couple - groups - therapy Synergetics Coaching Psycho bionics.
Show Phone Number

Bergstrasse. 30, Waldbronn, 76337Germany

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  3. Massage Therapists Waldbronn