Holistic Health Clinics BN3 Postcode

All 5 clinics that provide Holistic Health in BN3 postcode

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We have all the information you need about public and private holistic health clinics in BN3 postcode. Compare all the holistic health clinics and contact the holistic practitioner in BN3 postcode who's right for you.

Prices from £25 - Enquire for a fast quote ★ Free consultation ★ Choose from 5 Holistic Health Clinics in BN3 postcode

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Linda Belcher Healthcare - Holistic Health Clinic in the UK

Linda Belcher Healthcare

c/o Hove Osteopathic Clinic, 233 New Church Road, Hove, BN3 4EE
I work from a clinic in Hove, Sussex.  I love my job and have the privilege of treating many wonderful people through a variety of holistic treatments.  I have the view that we are all unique so my treatments are YOUnique...! (corny I know LOL.!) I am a Systematic Kinesiologist - this involves using your arm and leg muscles as indicators for your body as the muscles are connected to organs and Chinese Meridiens.   Through this mechanism I can detect imbalances and, more importantly, what will help correct them - on 4 levels - emotional, chemical, structural and energetical.  I offer a 15 minute free consultation so we can chat about the treatment and you can experience it briefly before committing to treatments.  I treat a range of emotional issues, stuff to do with weight control, mind over matter, motivation, phobias, life limiting behaviours.  Also on a physical level, muscle pain, food sensitivity, nutritional deficiency, lack of energy (or controlling too much energy), gut problems, bloating, bowel issues.   I use bach flowers in my treatments and also a range of nutritional supplements. I also treat the body through the feet with Reflexology.  This is wonderful for stress relief, skin disorders, pregnancy related issues, gut problems - in fact just about anything. Other treatments include Natural Face Lift Massage (divine.!) Swedish Massage, Reiki and Ayurvedic Foot Massage....
Holistic Health Consultation £25 - £75
All clients complete an initial detailed health questionnaire.  My aim is to find the CAUSE of your "dis-ease" not just prescribe stuff to cover it up.   Your chosen treatment type will obviously determine what happens.... however all treatments except massage will NOT involve undressing.
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Essence - Holistic Health Clinic in the UK


63 St Leonards Gardens, Hove, Brighton & Hove, BN3 4QA
Essence is a friendly clinic that has been running successfully for 20 years. We pride ourselves on only taking on therapists who are experienced, and who have their own specialisation. We are open 5 days a week, and offer all types of professional Massage, Shiatsu, Reiki, Acupuncture, Counselling, Hypnotherapy and Colonic Hydrotherapy. We offer Infra-red Sauna. We also promote the spiritual side of life, with  Spiritual Counselling, Tarot and Rune readings.
Holistic Health Consultation  
Indian Head Massage  
Very Good
from 5 users
WonDerma - The Space Clinic - Medical Aesthetics Clinic in the UK

WonDerma - The Space Clinic

The Space Clinic, 92-98 Northease Drive, Hove, Brighton, BN3 8LH
For more information about WonDerma - The Space Clinic in Hangleton please contact the clinic.
Holistic Health Consultation from £55
Allergy Testing  
Anxiety - Alternative Treatment  
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Abi England Reflexology - Abi England

Abi England Reflexology

4 Medina Villas, Brighton, BN3 2RJ
Mobile reflexology services are provided by this Brighton-based therapist to help patients with a wide range of health conditions. The long term health and wellbeing of patients is her primary concern. She provides services at the home or workplace of patients in Brighton, Hove and the surrounding areas. She offers services alongside traditional western medical healthcare to promote the long term health and wellbeing of patients of all ages. She specialises in reflexology to help pregnant women to go into labour, and to enjoy a shorter and less painful labour. Postnatal reflexology can be a wonderful gift to a new mum. 
Holistic Health Consultation free
from 1 user
Revitalise - Hove - Richard Brown

Revitalise - Hove

86 Church Road, Hove, BN3 2EB
A range of health improving non interventional therapies are offered by both the clinics run by this group. The group runs one clinic in Brighton and the other in Hove, Sussex. The clinics also offer exercise and other classes to teach patients to stay healthy for life. Therapies offered by the clinics include massages, beauty therapies, colonic hydrotherapy, counselling, Hypnotherapy, NLP, Cognitive therapy and psychotherapy, acupuncture, physiotherapy, chiropractic services and Reiki among others. Classes run by both clinics are yoga, Pilates and Osho meditation.
Holistic Health Consultation  
Hypnotherapy from £50
Per hour
Colonic Irrigation from £70
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Nearby Holistic Health Clinics:

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Essential Acupuncture - Acupuncture Clinic in the UK

Essential Acupuncture

81 Dyke Road, Brighton, BN1 3JE
More and more people in the UK are turning to acupuncture as clinical research shows that it can effectively and safely treat a wide range of common health problems. Jo Hull Lic Ac, MBacC is a fully qualified acupuncturist and member of acupuncture's governing body the British Acupuncture Council.
Holistic Health Consultation  
Fertility Acupuncture  
Acupuncture is a popular treatment choice for fertility.Trials in China have demonstrated significantly better pregnancy rates for acupuncture than medication (Bacc 2011). To find out how it can help you call.
Cosmetic Acupuncture  
Can acupuncture help you and improve your sense of well being using cosmetic techniques?
3 more treatments
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BIOVERSION - Holistic Health Clinic in the UK


38 Baker Street, Brighton, BN2 9QJ
We provide professional, flexible and confidential service to suit your personal needs and individual requirements. We provide meet me where I stand services that promote health, vitality and happiness focused on a triad of health (your body, mind and spirit). We'll support you in finding permanent and life changing solutions for your health conditions or life situations.   We offer face-to-face appointments in the comfort of your home or in one of our therapy rooms (Brighton & London area), workshops, public talks or Skype sessions and email counseling (worldwide).
Holistic Health Consultation + Basic Iris reading from £50
We provide "meet me where I stand"services that promote health, vitality and happiness focussed on a triad of health (your body, mind and spirit). We'll support you in finding permanent and life changing solutions for your health conditions or life situations.  1h / 2h
Reflexology from £25
Reflexology is generally misunderstood as a foot massage, but it is much more than that. It is based on premise that there are zones and reflex areas in the feet that correspond to all body parts. Each specific point corresponds with an internal organ, gland and other body structures. 0.5h / 1h 
Stop Smoking - Alternative Treatment from £25
Growing number of "stop smoking" therapists make it easier than ever for you to break your addiction to nicotine. Our therapist are trained in hypnotherapy and EFT, which is extremely helpful in accessing and reprogramming our subconscious mind and helping us to get rid of those unwanted habits.
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Me Naturally - Massage Clinic in the UK

Me Naturally

19 Hythe Road, Brighton, Brighton, BN1 6JR
For more information about Me Naturally in Brighton please contact the clinic.
Holistic Health Consultation  
Indian Head Massage £25 - £38
Indian head massage has been practised in India for over a thousand years, originally by women who believed that massaging their heads kept their long hair healthy and strong. This is correct as massaging the scalp stimulates the flow of blood to the follicles, improving the supply of nutrients needed for healthy hair growth. Today, however, the most common cause of poor blood flow is stress-generated muscle tension. The traditional Indian Head Massage technique has therefore been adapted in the west to help the stressful demands of modern living. As well as the scalp, the massage covers the upper back, neck, shoulders, upper arms and face. It is conducted fully clothed on a low-back chair and is a wonderfully relaxing treatment. A variety of massage techniques are used – some stimulating, some soothing, some aimed to reducing muscle tension. Positive effectsEases muscular tension and helps promote relaxation in the musclesImproves the condition of skin and hairSoothes nerve endings, thus inducing relaxationHelps relieve pain and fatigueHelps rebalance energy thus relieving tiredness and lethargyImproves the blood and lymphatic circulationAids the removal of dead skin cells so the skin will look healthier and feel smootherHelps the elimination of toxinsWhat conditions can Indian Head Massage help with?Significant improvement has been noticed in the following conditions… TinnitusTemporo-mandibular joint tension (TMJ syndrome) often caused by grinding or clenching the teethSinusitisMigraineNightmaresInsomnia and disturbed sleepIndian Head massage in the workplaceIndian Head Massage is a wonderful treatment for the workplace as it is so accessible and can help with eye strain; muscular tension in the back, neck and shoulders; anxiety, stress an
Holistic Massage £30 - £50
Massage has an immediate physiological effect on the local area of the body being worked on and it also affects the whole body through stimulation and relaxation of the muscles and the nerves. Physiological benefitsImprove skin toneEncourage better circulationEncourage better lymph drainage and boost immunityRelieve muscle fatigue, soreness and stiffness and improve muscle supplenessRelieve tired, stiff joints promote general relaxation encourage sleep speed up digestion, waste removal and balance the digestive systemRelax the nervous systemPsychological benefitsRelax and soothe the body, thereby reducing tension and the effects of stressRelax the mind, thereby reducing anxiety and its effects give a ‘lift’ to the emotions and increase positive feelingsIncrease energy and reduce fatigue

Holistic Health Clinics within 15km of BN3 postcode:

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Meridian Osteopathic Clinic - Mr Michael Wickham

Meridian Osteopathic Clinic

74 Warren Way, Telscombe Cliffs, BN10 7DL
Meridian Clinic is an established complementary and natural health provider in Telscombe Cliffs and Peacehaven, Sussex for over 15 years. Providing osteopathy, naturopathy, and Applied Kinesiology. Osteopathy Osteopathy recognises the importance of the link between the structure of the human body and the way it functions. Osteopaths focus on the body's skeleton and bone structure, and on the underlying muscles, soft tissue and internal organs.  "Osteopathy is an officially recognised primary contact Health Care Profession." NaturopathyNaturopathy; the premise is the body has this capacity to heal itself if given the right conditions and naturopathy, along with osteopathy subscribes to this basic understanding of the body's own innate intelligence. Applied Kinesiology Applied Kinesiology also known as AK is a diagnostic and therapeuticsystem of health care.
Holistic Health Consultation  
AK - Applied Kinesiology  
Age of 16 years and Under from £50
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Brighter Health - Holistic Health Clinic in the UK

Brighter Health

Ambleside Avenue, Telscombe Cliffs, Peacehaven, BN10 7LG
For more information about Brighter Health in Peacehaven please contact the clinic.
Holistic Health Consultation up to £30
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Stop Smoking Sussex - Holistic Health Clinic in the UK

Stop Smoking Sussex

10A, St. John's Terrace, Lewes, BN7 2DL
This clinical hypnotherapist offers services to help patients stop smoking at her clinic located at Lewes in East Sussex. The therapist has served the needs of patients for over 16 years. Safe and effective services are provided by the therapist for the benefit of patients and their privacy is respected at all times. Her aim is to make hypnosis a comfortable and pleasant sensation for patients. Gift vouchers are available for those who wish to present a way to stop smoking for friends and loved ones. Services are provided in a one- step session and a two-step session.
Holistic Health Consultation  
Rue Asher is a hypnotherapist with 14 years clinical experience specialising in hypnosis for the cessation of smoking and as a HypnoBirthing Practitioner. Her practice is centrally located in East Sussex within convenient reach of local transport and easy access to parking. She offers a variety of session options including gift vouchers for stopping smoking, and flexible appointment times
Stop Smoking - Alternative Treatment  
Rue Asher is a hypnotherapist with 14 years clinical experience specialising in hypnosis for the cessation of smoking and as a HypnoBirthing Practitioner. Her practice is centrally located in East Sussex within convenient reach of local transport and easy access to parking. She offers a variety of session options including gift vouchers for stopping smoking, and flexible appointment times
1 more treatment
from 8 users
The Acupuncture Works - Your Good Health!

The Acupuncture Works

26A Station Street, Lewes, BN7 2DB
4.8 from 3 verified reviews
Excellent sensitive treatment, very understanding and knows exactly how to treat all conditionsjenny, UK, 26 07 20

Excellent sensitive treatment, very understanding and knows exactly how to treat all conditions. The pins don't hurt at all too, highly recommend this place for treatment with Esaias.

Holistic Health Consultation  
Dry Needling  
Back Pain Treatment  
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