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Endodental Clinic

Endodental Clinic

Show Phone Number

Ave. Obregón # 305, Nogales, Sonora, 84000Mexico

from 13 users
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Opening hours

Monday09:15 - 14:00 | 15:00 - 18:00
Tuesday09:15 - 14:00 | 15:00 - 18:00
Wednesday09:15 - 14:00 | 15:00 - 18:00
Thursday09:15 - 14:00 | 15:00 - 18:00
Friday09:15 - 14:00 | 15:00 - 18:00
Saturday09:15 - 15:00
Prices from $240 - Enquire for a fast quote ★ Good ServiceScore™ 6.2 from 13 votes ★ 1 verified patient review. Visit our Dentist - Ave. Obregón # 305, Nogales, Sonora, 84000, Mexico.

Popular Treatments

Dentist Consultation
Dental Implants
Dentures $350 - $450
Dental Crowns $240 - $280
Root canals $280 - $350
Complex Root Canal
Cosmetic Dentist Consultation
See all treatments & prices

About Endodental Clinic

The Endodental Clinic is a newly remodeled clinic that features tile and a water fall in the lobby, very soothing while you wait. It is located about 5 short blocks from the border (AZ, please see map .) Dr. Gámez and Dra. Gámez use the latest technology to provide root-canal therapy and general dental care to adults, children and adolescents.  The clinic is equipped with the latest dental  equipment such as the digital, computerized X-ray, computerized anesthesia delivery system and the latest endodontic equipment that insures complete eradication of root canal bacteria. The dental record system is also the state of the art with complete records and X-rays on screen for the doctor and the patient to see. The small, personalized office is staffed, besides the two doctors, with two dental technicians. 
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Patient reviews

4.7 from 1 verified review
(We were unable to verify the reviewer)

Wonderful service

Dentist Consultation


Richard, US
( Verified user)

I need additional

4.7 50 Dentist Consultation
Were you pleased with the treatment?

Yes, but I need additional work to deal with this infected tooth. R

Would you recommend the clinic?


Would you return for further treatment?

Yes, it was a positive experience.

See what others think about the clinic's customer service:

Rosalinda, US17.04.2014
I had a great experience
debbie, US08.03.2011
Very nice and helpful.
Jenny, US26.01.2011
Very nice.
Paul, United States Minor Outlying Islands13.01.2011
I'm having work done here.
Art, US07.12.2010
Great service & work.
Andy, US12.03.2010
Very fast reply and questions answered.

Clinic services

Emergency serviceOpen weekends - Saturdays from 9 am to 3 pm

Languages spoken






Cosmetic Dentist Consultation

$240 - $280

Dental Crowns


Dental Implants


Dentist Consultation

$350 - $450


$280 - $350

Root canals

Your dentist uses root canal treatment to find the cause and then treat problems of the tooth's soft core (the dental pulp). Years ago, teeth with diseased or injured pulps were removed. Today, root canal treatment has given dentists a safe way of saving teeth. The pulp is the soft tissue that contains nerves, blood vessels and connective tissue. It lies within the tooth and extends from the crown of the tooth to the tip of the root in the bone of the jaws. When the pulp is diseased or injured and can't repair itself, it dies. The most common cause of pulp death is a cracked tooth or a deep cavity. Both of these problems can let germs (bacteria) enter the pulp. Germs can cause an infection inside the tooth. Left without treatment, pus builds up at the root tip, in the jawbone, forming a "pus-pocket" called an abscess. An abscess can cause damage to the bone around the teeth. When the infected pulp is not removed, pain and swelling can result. Certain byproducts of the infection can injure your jaw bones. Without treatment, your tooth may have to be removed. Treatment often involves from one to three visits. During treatment, your general dentist or endodontist (a dentist who specializes in problems of the pulp) removes the diseased pulp. The pulp chamber and root canal's) of the tooth are then cleaned and sealed.

Complex Root Canal

Endodental Clinic - Dr Jesus

Payment information

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Private Patients Welcome

Dr Jesús Ma.Gámez

  Endodontics, General Dentistry
  English, Spanish

Dr. Jesús Ma. Gámez Bojórquez graduated from the National University of Mexico(UNAM) in Guadalajara, Jalisco, Mexico with a post graduated degree in Endodontics and now practices exclusively in Endodontics as an Endodontist. Dr. Gámez has over 26 years dental experience in Nogales and keeps up with the latest techniques and advancements in endodontics and dental equipment through continuing education seminars and classes in the US and Mexico. The doctor also is an active member in the Nogales Dental Association, Sonora Dental Association, Mexican Dental Association and the Mexican Association of Endodontists.

Dr, Gámez and his wife, Lourdes have 4 children, 2 boys and 2 girls. His oldest daughter, Berenice, graduated from the Sinaloa University as a dentist specializing in Children and Adolescents while working with doctor at his clinic. His other daughter, Lourdes Maria, will finish her studies in Endodontics this December and join her father in his practice.
The doctors oldest son, Jesus Roberto, will complete high school this coming year, he has not decided on upon his university courses yet, The Gámezs youngest child, Ali Misel, is just starting high school in Nogales, Arizona this fall.

In the doctors free time he loves to go camping and hiking, especially by horseback. Dr. Gámez in also very involved in the community through the Rotary Club, the City Council of Nogales Sonora and he is currently the President of the Mexican Red Cross Nogales, Sonora, delegation.

Show Phone Number

Ave. Obregón # 305, Nogales, Sonora, 84000Mexico