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Cacciafesta Vittorio

Cacciafesta Vittorio

Show Phone Number

Viale Papiniano 44, 20123 Milano, ItalyItaly

from 26 users
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Opening hours

Monday09:00 - 19:00
Tuesday09:00 - 19:00
Wednesday09:00 - 19:00
Thursday09:00 - 19:00
Friday09:00 - 19:00
Enquire for a fast quote ★ Good ServiceScore™ 6.7 from 26 votes ★ Visit our Dentist - Viale Papiniano 44, 20123 Milano, Italy, Italy.

Popular Treatments

Dentist Consultation
Dental Implants
Teeth Whitening
Dental Crowns
Dental Bridges
Root canals
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About Cacciafesta Vittorio

Correction of teeth alignment using lingual braces is the specialty of this orthodontic clinic located in Milan in Italy. Patients are treated by specialist orthodontist Dr. Vittorio Cacciafesta at the clinic. Children’s orthodontics using lingual braces, orthodontics for adults using lingual braces, and dental cosmetic correction through teeth whitening are provided at the clinic. Invisalign braces are also fitted to correct dental and skeletal misalignment of teeth for patients.

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Patient reviews

See what others think about the clinic's customer service:

Maryam, Italy07.12.2010
Yes, of course and I just want to express my thanks and appreciation for the wonderful care and support Dt. Vittorio showed to me.
Erika, US24.05.2010
Thoroughly answered my question.
Francine, US27.03.2010


  • Italian Society for Health Care Quality (Italy) 

Clinic services

Emergency service - Orthodontics, traumas,

Languages spoken





Braces - Cacciafesta VittorioBraces - Cacciafesta Vittorio
Lingual Braces, Lingual Orthodontics, Invisible braces

Child Braces

Of primary importance for the treatment of malocclusion and early diagnosis of the defect. We must always keep in mind that prevention is better than cure. Early treatment can actually detect the onset of many malocclusions. The orthodontist is able to recognize the cause of disharmony cranio-facial, dental malocclusion and dysfunction of muscle and thus is able to take action to eliminate them. A visit early, before most the first 5-6 years of life, it is therefore important to see if there is a good harmony between the components that make up the anatomical and dental craniofacial architecture. If this is not the case, it is essential to intervene as soon as possible to restore a balance and achieve a proper occlusion. In the teeth of the child to be found many pathological conditions (bad habits, facial type, family history) to be managed by the orthodontist. Ignoring such conditions would certainly the onset of a malocclusion, the interception is the way to ensure the development of a good occlusion. In some cases, early orthodontic therapy, while improving the situation in general, can not solve it completely and will need to program a fixed appliance orthodontic treatment with multi-bracket leading to the final correction in the permanent dentition, ie after 11-12 years.

Lingual Braces

Currently, as is well known, orthodontic treatment is no longer the exclusive prerogative of children and adolescents, but embraces ever-widening age group. In fact, more and more adults, needs to periodontal preprosthetic or for aesthetic reasons, are in need of orthodontic treatment multibracket. Show a smile "perfect" is a modern form of aggression that gives stability and psychological security to those who performed. The lingual orthodontics is meeting this need more and more design and function, with the application of a device invisible on the inner surface of the teeth. New attacks and new lingual arch shape memory have made this technique more and more advanced and improved patient comfort. In addition to the many aesthetic advantages, the Lingual Orthodontics allows a more uniform and body movement of the teeth, so it is very suitable in adults with periodontal problems or not. The timing of treatment are comparable to those achieved with other techniques facial or external, and indeed in some cases, treatment may speed up the lingual therapy. The initial discomfort resolves within a few days. The new units will not affect the internal phonetic and allow a completely normal social life, being completely invisible.

Cosmetic Dentist Consultation


Dental Bridges


Dental Checkup


Dental Crowns


Dental Implants

Implantology for many years now has become an excellent alternative to traditional prosthesis that restores the missing teeth with only the reduction of adjacent teeth to stumps to make bridges or dentures in the absence of natural pillars. The modern osseointegrated implant allows for the creation of new bone anchors with success rates around 95 to 98%. The system is in essence a titanium screw that is placed through a simple surgical procedure within the jawbone. In this procedure, the classical system remains submerged in the bone for a period ranging from 4 to 6 months because they establish the necessary links implant osseointegration. After this period you run with a second, milder stage surgical placement of a titanium pillar always on the facility to perform the functions of a natural stump-tendoci allow to prepare first a temporary and then permanent teeth. Implant therapy described here in simple terms is still subject to clinical examination of the patient, radiographic assessments and routine blood checks.

Dentist Consultation




Denturist Consultation


Endodontist Consultation

Endodontics is the dental specialty that allows you to save teeth severely compromised by deep caries that have come to affect the dental pulp. We speak more properly of root canal of a tooth when it comes to suffering from acute inflammation of the pulp and root canal treatment when you are instead faced with a dental element with any necrotic bone infections such as abscesses or granulomas. Proper root canal treatment is subject to thorough cleaning and shaping of root canals or to peak with an equally precise and seal the same with suitable materials such as gutta percha. The endodontic treatment allows you to keep still for many years and often indefinitely a dental element that otherwise would be lost in a short time and to cause recurrent infections. A good Endodontics is the most important prerequisite for the preservation of the pillars of our natural chewing apparatus following the loss of which we are forced to resort to more invasive treatments to a fixed prosthesis or implants.

Family Dentist Consultation




Gum Surgery


Implant Dentist Consultation


Orthodontist Consultation

Lingual Orthodontics,

Invisible Orthodontics

Paediatric Dentist Consultation


Periodontist Consultation


Periodontitis Treatment

Periodontal health is crucial for success in the short and long-term orthodontic treatment: the orthodontist must have a good understanding of the effects of periodontal disease and dental tissue caused by the shift of support to diagnose correct and prepare a plan for proper treatment to prevent attachment loss and gingival recession. You should never begin orthodontic treatment in the presence of active periodontal disease and patients who presented in the past, this disease must be carefully monitored to prevent relapse. Periodontal disease is characterized by gingival inflammation and attachment loss associated with connective tissue and bone. The disease has progressed in steps, with exacerbations accompanied by loss of attachment and followed by remission periods varying from case to case. The treatment is based on partnerships between local therapy (scaling, curettage, irrigation of the pockets, periodontal surgery)

Restorative Dentist Consultation


Root canals


Teeth Whitening

The active ingredients used for teeth whitening is carbamide peroxide and hydrogen peroxide, available in different concentrations and usable on a technical and a professional home with the possible use of a lamp for light activation. The active ingredient acts on the discoloration present in the prisms of enamel, leaving it unchanged. Instead, no effect on the composite or amalgam fillings, resins, ceramics and prosthetic devices in general It may result in dentin hypersensitivity varies from person to person resizable treatment was suspended from 1 to a few nights or interposing the application of desensitizing material or fluorine.

TMJ - Temporomandibular Joint Treatment

By the terms temporomandibular disorders and pain syndromes, temporomandibular joint dysfunction is defined as a functional impairment of the temporomandibular joint (TMJ), which usually affects the whole district craniocervical, sometimes extending to the shoulders. It is a pain syndrome associated with joint noises, dislocation and subluxation of the disc. These symptoms are not always simultaneously present and appear with different intensities. These disorders have a muscle disorder, problems associated with cephalic, labial and mandibular. The evolution of the syndrome usually occurs in two phases, an acute and chronic. The acute phase is characterized by noise, pain which is becoming more evident at the time of mastication, a functional limitation and laterodeviazioni toward the affected side. They can also be headaches, dizziness and tinnitus. The chronic phase is linked all'incoordinazione condyle-meniscus presents noises while chewing and mild pain, is the article that the region temporale. La therapy usually consists of several options:


Cacciafesta Vittorio - Viale Papiniano 44, 20123  Milano, Italy,

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Private Patients WelcomeDental Plans Accepted

Vittorio Cacciafesta

  Orthodontics, Cosmetic Dentistry
  English, German, Italian, Spanish, Danish
Dr. Vittorio Cacciafesta received his dental training at the University of Naples “Federico II”, Italy. From July 1995 until August 1996 he was Research Fellow at the Department of Orthodontics, Humboldt-University of Berlin, Germany. From September 1996 until August 1999 he was Orthodontic Resident at the Department of Orthodontics, Royal Dental College, Aarhus University, Denmark, where he received the Specialty and  Master of Science in Orthodontics. He is “Dottore di Ricerca” (Research Doctorate) in Biotechnology of Dental Materials. Since 1999 he is Assistant Clinical Professor at the Department of Orthodontics, University of Pavia, Italy.  From 1999 until 2002 he was Visiting Professor at the Department of Orthodontics, Aarhus University, Denmark, and Visiting Professor at Temple University, Philadelphia, USA. He has published over 100 refereed publications and 4 book chapters. He is Co-Editor of “Ortodonzia Clinica”, Associate Editor of “Progress in Orthodontics”, and Referee for the following scientific journals: “American Journal of Orthodontics and Dentofacial Orthopedics”, “Angle Orthodontist”, “European Journal of Orthodontics”, “Journal of Clinical Orthodontics”, “Orthodontics and Craniofacial Research”, “Ortognatodonzia Italiana”. His main research interests are bonding materials, brackets, metallurgy, friction between brackets and wires. His main clinical interests are biomechanics, lingual orthodontics, orthodontic treatment of adults. He has been lecturing extensively in Europe, Middle East, Asia and USA.
Show Phone Number

Viale Papiniano 44, 20123 Milano, ItalyItaly