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Medical One - Cologne

Medical One - Cologne

Show Phone Number

Gertrudenstraße 29, Cologne, 50667Germany

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Opening hours

Please contact clinic for their opening hours
Enquire for a fast quote ★ Multi-specialty clinic - Gertrudenstraße 29, Cologne, 50667, Germany. Staff: Dr Uwe Herrboldt, Miss Katrin Vossoughi, Mr Andreas Tits.

Popular Treatments

Plastic Surgeon Consultation

Breast Implants

Breast Augmentation
Breast Implants With Autologous Fat
Breast Implants


Liposuction (Men)
Mammary Gland Removal
Eyelid surgery
Breast Reduction
See all treatments & prices

About Medical One - Cologne

For more information about Medical One - Cologne in Cologne please contact the clinic.
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  • ISAPS - International Society of Aesthetic Plastic Surgery (International) 
  • ISBI - International Society for Burn Injuries (International) 
  • ISHRS - International Society of Hair Restoration Surgery (International) 
  • DGPRÄC - Deutsche Gesellschaft der Plastischen, Rekonstruktiven und Ästhetischen Chirurgen (Germany) 

Plastic Surgery

Breast Implants

Breast Augmentation


Breast Implants With Autologous Fat


Breast Implants

Breast Reconstruction

Breast Correction


Breast Reconstruction


Breast Reduction


Eyelid surgery




Mammary Gland Removal




Liposuction (Men)


Ear Surgery


Plastic Surgeon Consultation



Medical Aesthetics


Chin Correction


Suck Sweat


Lip Augmentation


Medical Aesthetics Specialist Consultation


Treatment for Wrinkles


Varicose Veins Treatment

Hair Loss Treatments


Hair Loss Specialist Consultation


Hair Loss Treatment

Hair Transplant

Hair Transplant


FUT Hair Transplant


FUE Hair Transplant

Bariatric Surgery


Bariatric Surgery Consultation


Gastric Balloon

Massage Therapy


Volume Therapy

Medical One - Cologne - Gertrudenstraße 29, Cologne, 50667,

Payment information


Private Patients Welcome
Dr Uwe Herrboldt - Doctor at Medical One - Cologne

Dr Uwe Herrboldt

Job Title:
Dr. Mr. Boldt studied medicine in Berlin and Essen. After his time as a junior doctor in Wuppertal recognition followed as a surgeon and the specialization and successful examination as a specialist in plastic surgery in Dusseldorf.Prior to joining the MEDICAL ONE Dr. Mr. Boldt served as chief consultant and deputy head physician in the field of surgery, plastic surgery and hand surgery.
Miss Katrin Vossoughi - Counsellor at Medical One - Cologne

Miss Katrin Vossoughi

Job Title:
Katrin Vossoughi studied medicine at the RWTH Aachen. Your specialization in the field of plastic and aesthetic surgery she received in Cologne, Oberhausen, Gütersloh, and most recently in Hattingen, where she worked as a specialist in plastic surgery. Since 2013 she has worked for the MEDICAL ONE .
Mr Andreas Tits -  at Medical One - Cologne

Mr Andreas Tits

After studying human medicine he received in 1995 by the district government Dusseldorf his license as a physician and made the first step in his medical career.He was then allowed to continue their education to become a specialist for surgery at leading private hospitals in Belgium, Germany, South America and the Netherlands. He quickly detects that its been proven flair for aesthetics should be future focus. Andreas tits, incidentally, also has a special passion in South America. What began with an adventure that has become a real success story. For Andreas tits spends several weeks, since 2008, even in a managerial capacity, in Surinam to further expand its intense involvement in a private clinic for plastic and aesthetic medicine there. Humanitarian aid is to be of particular concern in this context.2009 Andreas tits pulled back to his old home to Germany, where he worked as a surgeon at the clinic KÖ Dusseldorf worked until 2012. As was the case in South America or in the Netherlands, also here the main focus of the specialist training activities in the field of hair restoration surgery.Andreas tits is patient at the clinic location Dortmund particular, but also at the site Dusseldorf, as a competent specialist in hair transplants available.
Show Phone Number

Gertrudenstraße 29, Cologne, 50667Germany