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Dr. Walther Jungwirth - Wien

Dr. Walther Jungwirth - Wien

Show Phone Number

Wollzeile 94, Wien, 1010Austria

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Opening hours

Monday16:30 - 19:00
Wednesday09:00 - 11:30
Thursday15:00 - 19:00
Prices from € 290 - Enquire for a fast quote ★ Visit our Plastic Surgery Clinic - Wollzeile 94, Wien, 1010, Austria. Staff: Dr Walther Jungwirth.

Popular Treatments

Plastic Surgeon Consultation
Breast Implants from € 644
Nose Correction
Tummy Tuck
Chest reduction in men
Upper eyelid and lower eyelidoplasty
Breast Reduction
Fat Transfer
See all treatments & prices

About Dr. Walther Jungwirth - Wien

For more information about Dr. Walther Jungwirth - Wien in Vienna please contact the clinic.
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Plastic Surgery


Arm Lift

from € 644

Breast Implants


Breast Lift


Breast Reduction


Upper eyelid and lower eyelidoplasty




Fat Transfer


Chest reduction in men




Neck Lift


Plastic Surgeon Consultation


Nose Correction


Thigh Lift


Tummy Tuck

Medical Aesthetics

from € 420

Dermal Fillers

from € 290



Medical Aesthetics Specialist Consultation

from € 380


Treatment for Wrinkles
from € 400

Treatment for Wrinkles A region

from € 510

Treatment for Wrinkles two regions

from € 600

Treatment for Wrinkles three regions

from € 700

Treatment for Wrinkles four regions

Dr. Walther Jungwirth - Wien - Wollzeile 94, Wien, 1010,

Payment information


Private Patients Welcome
Dr Walther Jungwirth -  at Dr. Walther Jungwirth - Wien

Dr Walther Jungwirth

1959 born in Salzburg as the son of the pediatric specialist Dr. Walther Jungwirth (died 1963) and his wife Friederika Jungwirth (deceased 2014), Gymnasium BG 3 in Salzburg 1960 birth of my brother - now he is - Univ. Prof. Dr. Andreas Jungwirth, specialist in urology, also at the Competence Center Salzburg and EMCO Private Clinic 1977-1983 Studies of Medicine at the University Hospital, Innsbruck 1983-1986 Turnus at the Hospital of the Barmherzige Brüder Salzburg, LKH Salzburg, Assistant to Cardiac Surgery LKA Salzburg 1986-1991 Assistant at the University Clinic for Plastic Surgery Innsbruck, lectures, congresses multiple studies in the United States, especially at Dr. Juris Bunkis, San Francisco CA 1991 humanitarian Interplast mission for Afghan war wounded in Peshawar, Pakistan operations on burn victims and shot injured
Show Phone Number

Wollzeile 94, Wien, 1010Austria