Mrs Kathleen McAuliffe
graduated from The Irish College of Traditional Medicine with Licentiate in Traditional Chinese Medicine (Acupuncture), and a licentiate in Chinese Herbal Medicine. She is now practicing with 18 years experience behind her. Since then she has continued to study in other areas like Pediatric Acupuncture, Alchemical Acupuncture, Ear Acupuncture, Cosmetic Acupuncture & Facial Rejuvenation, Herbal Gynaecology, and Fertility Treatment. She is a long term member of the Traditional Chinese Medicine Council of Ireland (TCMCI) and The Acupuncture Foundation Professional Association (AFPA). Her treatments are covered by the major health companies like Quinn Healthcare, VHI, Avivas, Hibernian Healthcare etc. Kathleen practices in clinics both in Millstreet, Co. Cork and in Killarney Co. Kerry. Her main treatments would consist of Acupuncture, Chinese Herbal medicine, Fertility treatments, Cupping and Moxibustion. Over the last few years she has introduced Bio Resonance energy analysis and balancing and allergy testing.