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Harley Street Healthcare Medical Park Pvt.Ltd.

Harley Street Healthcare Medical Park Pvt.Ltd.

Show Phone Number

3 rd floor , ELDORADO building , Nungambakam high road, Chennai, chennai, Tamil Nadu, 600034India

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Opening hours

Monday08:00 - 18:00
Tuesday08:00 - 18:00
Wednesday08:00 - 18:00
Thursday08:00 - 18:00
Friday08:00 - 18:00
Saturday08:00 - 18:00
Enquire for a fast quote ★ Visit our Plastic Surgery Clinic - 3 rd floor , ELDORADO building , Nungambakam high road, Chennai, chennai, Tamil Nadu, 600034, India. We, The Medical Park have over 25 years experience in cosmet...

Popular Treatments

Plastic Surgeon Consultation
Breast Augmentation
Male Breast Reduction
Eyelid Surgery
Breast Reduction
Breast UpLift
See all treatments & prices

About Harley Street Healthcare Medical Park Pvt.Ltd.

We, The Medical Park have over 25 years experience in cosmetic surgery with a very high success rate. We have performed many procedures in the UK and are lending our surgical expertise in India with the same surgeons. Our surgeons have specialized in Aesthetic surgery and are not merely plastic surgeons. They have been highly appreciated for their artistic eye, that help achieve beautiful yet natural looking results.

Our Consultations are detailed and we give you a clear picture of what to expect in terms of results and pre and post operative care. All options are explained prior to any treatment so you can make an informed decision about what you are about to undertake. Our staff are trained in client care and helpful with any queries you may have. They stay with you through every step of the way and are as interested in your welfare as you are.

We operate only in the best of hospitals, with the most advanced equipment and have the highest regard for safety. We are safe surgeons who do not push the boundaries to achieve results at any cost.

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  • IMA - Indian Medical Association (India) 
  • IAAPS - Indian Association of Aesthetic Plastic Surgeons (India) 


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Plastic Surgery




Breast Augmentation (45 mins)

Breast augmentation is one of the most frequently performed cosmetic surgery procedures.  It is usually performed in order to improve breast size and shape in women who have by nature a relative small breast, or who have experienced a decrease in breast size following pregnancy, weight loss and/or with advancing age and desire a fuller breast appearance.


he operation consists of making an incision (4-5cm), usually in the natural crease below the breast.


A pocket is created, within which the implant is placed.


The operation takes about 45 minutes to 1 hour, under a combination of general and local anaesthetic.

Breast augmentation generally has no consequences on fertility, pregnancy or ability to breast-feed.  There is no conclusive medical evidence in support of implants causing breast cancer, or being responsible for the onset of connective tissue disease.  When mammograms or other investigations are required, special views may be needed.  Implants can sometimes actually make lumps easier to feel.


Breast UpLift

Mastopexy - 

Extremely droopy and pendulous breasts can be a major source of embarrassment.


Apart from difficulty of finding clothes that fit and look elegant, they tend to interfere with sports.


In addition, breast pain and shoulder discomfort and backache are prevalent and the weight of the breasts make the bra straps dig in over the shoulders.


These difficulties may sometimes be severe enough to impair normal respiration and to a lesser extent, there is also the tendency towards skin problems especially within the crease of the breasts.


With time they will droop causing the skin to become stretched and nipples displaced.


Breast uplift is a major operation.  Several techniques are used but they all cause significant scarring.  Functional and aesthetic considerations figure in the selection of a specific procedure.  The popular method leaves a scar, which runs around the edge of the nipple (areola) and one in the crease underneath the breast and a vertical scar linking the two.  These scars are not visible outside an ordinary bra or bikini top.  Although in most patients they fade in time


Breast Reduction

Extremely droopy and pendulous breasts can be a major source of embarrassment.  Apart from difficulty of finding clothes that fit and look elegant, they tend to interfere with sports.  In addition, breast pain and shoulder discomfort and backache are prevalent and the weight of the breasts make the bra straps dig in over the shoulders.  These difficulties may sometimes be severe enough to impair normal respiration and to a lesser extent, there is also the tendency towards skin problems especially within the crease of the breasts.  With time they will droop causing the skin to become stretched and nipples displaced.

Breast reduction is a major operation.


Several techniques are used but they all cause significant scarring.


Functional and aesthetic considerations figure in the selection of a specific procedure.


The popular method leaves a scar, which runs around the edge of the nipple (areola), and one in the crease underneath the breast and a vertical scar linking the two.


These scars are not visible outside an ordinary bra or bikini top.


Although in most patients they fade in time but they do not disappear.

Before the operation, the new site for the nipple is marked on each side. Generally this is a few inches above the original nipple.


This procedure involves reducing the breast skin and restoration of normal contour, including replacement or repositioning of the nipple to a new level consistent with the remaining breast.


Buttock Augmentation (1 hour)

Buttock Augmentation is usually performed in order to improve buttock size and shape in men and women who have by nature a relatively small buttock, or who have experienced a decrease in buttock size following pregnancy, weight loss and/or with advancing age and desire a fuller buttock appearance.

The operation consists of making an incision (5-6 cm), usually in the natal cleft crease.


A pocket is created, under the muscle within which the implant is placed.


The operation takes about 1-2 hours, under a combination of local and general anaesthesia.

Buttock implants come in various shapes and forms.


They are essentially silicone shells containing silicone fillings.


Each type of implant has advantages and disadvantages.


There is no one ideal implant for all individuals under all circumstances.


Each type of implant will be discussed and explained during consultation with due regards to an individual’s age, buttock type and size, family history, past medical history, occupation and aesthetic expectations.


Buttock implants come in volumes e.g 250 cc, 300 cc, etc, so a certain dress size will not be guaranteed. 


There has been no conclusive medical evidence in support of implants causing cancer, or being responsible for the connective tissue disease.


Buttock Lift


Calf Augmentation


Eyelid Surgery


Laser Blepharoplasty

Blepharoplasty is the term used to refer to “an operation in which redundant skin, fat or muscle, is removed from the eyelid”.  The eyelid skin may have been altered due to a number of reasons including; the ageing process, sun damage, smoking, infection inflammation or trauma.

Although people feel there is something wrong with their eyes, it is often difficult to be specific.


They may complain that their eyes “always look tired”. Or they “have baggy eyes”.

The procedure is aimed at reducing the amount of excess skin in the upper eyelid and reducing the bulge and tightening of the skin in the lower eyelid.

The surgery is now performed, by combining the 2 functions of the laser.


The “cutting” laser is used to excise the excess skin in the upper eyelid, and the fat from the lower eyelid skin, which also helps to remove fine wrinkles.

The advantage of using the laser over the scalpel method, is that there is a lot less bleeding and bruising – this is because the laser seals the blood vessels as it cuts, leading to a clearer operational site for the surgeon, and therefore a quicker operation.

The lower eyelid fat can now be removed from the inside the eyelid, thus removing the need for an operational scar under the lower lashes.

Laser blepharoplasty (upper or lower lids only) can be performed as a day case, but if both eyelids or combined with full face laser resurfacing, or a facelift, will require 1-2 nights hospital stay.


Male Breast Reduction





Bat ear is an inherited condition where one or both of the ears may not grow into the normal shape.  Often, the size, shape and position of the normal ear is most often a familiar characteristic.  Deformities of the ear are also of similar nature, including conditions, which present variations of cartilage and contour and the protruding ear, especially when both sides are involved.

Children are often subjected to callous remarks, whilst adults may not express such attitudes openly, but instead harbour sensitivities that were present during childhood, often project feelings of self-consciousness, rejection and hostility.

Surgical intervention is often very helpful in improving the ears and can be performed quite effectively as early as four, five or six years of age, although it may not be possible to achieve an entirely normal appearance, especially in the worst cases.

In adults the operation is often performed with a local anaesthetic.


The operation is performed, by repositioning or otherwise altering the flexible cartilage structures.


The ultimate aim of surgery is to reduce the protrusion and at the same time, to provide a normal configuration when the ear is viewed from the side.


Incisions are generally placed behind the ear where any remaining surface scars are required; these are often placed inconspicuously within the normal contours.


Following the operation, a total head bandage (turban-type) is necessary so that both ears can be protected, swelling minimised and discomfort limited.


The head dressing is ordinarily worn for 5-7 days after which time the remaining swelling will gradually subside.


Thereafter, a headband (e.g. tennis headband) is worn for a few weeks at night.


Some variations in management should be anticipated, depending largely upon the specific correction undertaken.


Plastic Surgeon Consultation



Nose is the most prominent feature of your face, second only to your eyes. Its size and shape may be the most defining characteristic of your face. If you are unhappy with your nose, you are not alone. Every year hundreds of thousands of people through out the United Kingdom elect to improve the appearance and/or function of their nose through nose surgery or Rhinoplasty. Some people want a different size or shape. Others want to repair damage caused by injury. And some just want to breathe easier. If you have been wondering how nose surgery might change you looks, improve your self- confidence or your breathing; you should schedule a consultation with a qualified surgeon.

The ideal nose varies form face-to-face depending on the skin type, ethnic background, age and other variables. During your initial cosmetic consultation, your surgeon will discuss other concerns about your nose, your expectations, and explain the probable outcome of your procedure. We will show you several before and after treatment photographs of patients having similar noses, and will explain the treatment you can receive. Before and after photographs will be taken to document your results.


Before making the decision to have rhinoplasty, ask your surgeon if there are any additional procedures that may enhance the effects of your nose surgery. Many patients elect to have chin or cheek implants to enhance and balance their facial features.



Thigh Lift



Abdominoplasty is a 3 dimensional sculpting procedure that helps to return the abdomen to an appealing shape, along with strengthening of the associated muscles. This is often complimented with lipoplasty that provides an all around improvement involving the front and side of the abdominal area.

Substantial weight loss, muscle weakness following multiple pregnancies, single pregnancy with a large baby, or heredity can all contribute to loose, wrinkled abdominal skin and excess fat in the abdomen. In most cases diet and exercise alone cannot remove the skin laxity or muscle weakness that comes from pregnancy and/or weight fluctuations.

In the case of a protruding abdomen with marked excess fat and lax skin, it is recommended to have a 2 staged procedure for maximum improvement. Liposuction to remove the excess fat is performed as the first stage, followed by abdominoplasty, to remove the lax skin and tighten the muscle.

Abdominoplasty is recommended only after family completion (no further pregnancies).

Abdominoplasty is a major surgical procedure that tightens the abdominal skin (removes excess skin), when necessary, can reduce fat and modify muscles. It will also help reduce stretch marks on the lower abdomen.

Women who have had pregnancies, may have developed a condition called diastasis (diverication of rectus muscle) in which the muscles of the abdominal wall have separated vertically and cannot return to normal; this can also be successfully treated at the time of abdominoplasty. Hernias can also be repaired during the surgery.

The best results can be achieved by careful attention to incision placement, skin and fat removal, recreating a natural umbilicus (belly button) and proper but not excessive tightening of the loose stomach muscles.



Dentist Consultation

Medical Aesthetics


Obagi Blue Peel


Dermal Fillers


Cheek Augmentation

Beauty may only be skin deep, but for centuries, well-defined facial features have been considered traits of physical beauty. Prominent cheekbones and a strong chin provide balance and definition. For those lacking these natural marks of distinction, make-up was their only alternative. Now, thanks to modern technology, there is a safe, permanent method to correct a receding chin and provide those high cheekbones sought after by men and women worldwide. Chin augmentation or mentoplasty and cheek implants or malar augmentation are surgical procedures designed to provide a more vibrant and attractive look of distinction. These procedures can also benefit those with asymmetries or congenital defects. Chin implants are often recommended to patients undergoing nose surgery to achieve better facial balance. In patients 38-50 years old, cheek implants can improve midfacial contour and restore sagging midfacial soft tissues, thus postponing the need for a facelift. For patients receiving a facelift, cheek implants can ensure longer lasting results. If you have been wondering if having more distinctive facial features might enhance your appearance and improve your self-confidence, you should schedule a consultation.


If you are wondering if you could benefit from chin and/or cheek implants, call our office and arrange a consultation.


Are chin cheek implants safe?

Facial implants have proven to provide a safe, predictable, low-cost risk cosmetic surgical procedure. To date, millions of facial implants made from non-toxic materials such as silicone and expanded polyteraflouroethylene [ePTFE] have been implanted, with no reported cases of allergic reaction. The implants, designed specifically for use in the midfacial cheek area and the chin come in a wide variety of shapes and sizes. These implants can be custom-trimmed by your surgeon for a more natural fit.


Chin Augmentation


Skin Rejuvenation


Medical Aesthetics Specialist Consultation


Mole Removal


Scar Removal


Spider Veins Treatment


Treatment for Wrinkles

Harley Street Healthcare Medical Park Pvt.Ltd. - 3 rd floor , ELDORADO building , Nungambakam high road, Chennai, chennai, Tamil Nadu, 600034,

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Dr Jeya Prakash

Job Title:
As an expressive man with an artistic flair, it seemed natural for him to lend his skills to Aesthetic Surgery and, coupled with his acute sense of proportion and beauty, these skills have produced results prompting a high rate of patient satisfaction. Over the years this has led to much positive media attention but, above all, his personal and professional pleasure ultimately comes from a happy and fulfilled client.
Show Phone Number

3 rd floor , ELDORADO building , Nungambakam high road, Chennai, chennai, Tamil Nadu, 600034India